Accentors (Prunellidae)
A European family, with few species, only two in Europe and one in the UK. Accentors are small, inconspicuous, streaked birds, with sharp, pointed bills. They live mostly close to the ground, with a quick, shuffling and hopping action when feeding.
The Dunnock (aka hedge sparrow) is a small brown and grey bird. Quiet and inobtrusive, it's often seen on its own, creeping along the edge of a flower bed or near to a bush, moving with a rather nervous, shuffling gait, often flicking its wings as it goes. When two rival males come together they become animated with lots of wing-flicking and loud calling.
A European family, with few species, only two in Europe and one in the UK. Accentors are small, inconspicuous, streaked birds, with sharp, pointed bills. They live mostly close to the ground, with a quick, shuffling and hopping action when feeding.
The Dunnock (aka hedge sparrow) is a small brown and grey bird. Quiet and inobtrusive, it's often seen on its own, creeping along the edge of a flower bed or near to a bush, moving with a rather nervous, shuffling gait, often flicking its wings as it goes. When two rival males come together they become animated with lots of wing-flicking and loud calling.